2008 Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja FeMarch 2009Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe 2010

Beginner East Coast Swing


March 2009

Monday 16 March 2009

Beginner East Coast Swing

Mon 16 Mar, 8 pm. 948 Route 1 Bypass, Portsmouth, 03801. Peggi Morrow, 603-433-2009, peggimorrow@comcast.net. Portsmouth Ballroom - [events]

Classes run for four weeks (four 55 minute sessions) unless noted. Cost: $50 per person. There is a mimimum requirement of five people for a class to run. We will contact you if the class is not going to run. (Please leave a contact number with us.) We also offer Private Lessons.
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