

August 2010

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Gremlins: The Allies’ Curious Crisis of Invisible Imps

Tue 3 Aug, 7 pm. 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro 03894. Mark Foynes, Director, 603-569-1212, info@wrightmuseum.org. 5. The Wright Museum - [events]

Tuesday, August 3, 7p.m. Gremlins: The Allies’ Curious Crisis of Invisible Imps, James J. Kimble, Seton Hall University WWII pilots often attributed unexplained equipment trouble to rascally critters called gremlins. Roald Dahl, a former RAF pilot, wrote The Gremlins, a fairy tale about the hazards of combat flying, in 1942. The book was published by Walt Disney and serialized in Cosmopolitan. A cartoon of one such gremlin – Fifinella – became the insignia of the Women Air Service Pilots (WASPs) who were recently honored in a presidential ceremony.
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