

December 2010

Friday 31 December 2010

Queen City Ballroom New Year’s Eve Dance Party

Fri 31 Dec, 7:30 pm-0:30 am. info@nhabda.com. New Hampshire Amateur Ballroom Dancer's Association - [events]

December 31, 2010 - Friday 7:30 pm – 12:30 pm Semi-formal. Singles and couples of all dance levels welcome. Mix of ballroom, Latin, and swing music. Mixers. Door prizes. Hats and noisemakers for guests. Hot and cold buffet style Hors D’oeuvres and decadent desserts. Champagne or sparkling cider toast at midnight, followed by pastries and coffee. $25.00 per person if purchased by November 24th (last year's price). $30.00 per person from November 25th until sold out. Mail check or money order and a SASE to Queen City Ballroom, 21 Dow St, 2nd floor, Manchester, NH 03101. 603-622-1500 603-622-1500 email QnCtyBalrm www.h.
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