

March 2011

Sunday 6 March 2011

The Recollections of an American POW

Sun 6 Mar, 2-5 pm. 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro 03894. Mark Foynes, Director, 603-569-1212, info@wrightmuseum.org. The Wright Museum - [events]

Too Young to Be Scared: The Recollections of an American POW Sunday, March 06, 2011, 02:00pm - 05:00pm Robert Fortnam, WWII Veteran Robert Fortnam of Pembroke, N.H., pictured at left with his B-17 unit (front row, second from left) was shot down in 1943 over Holland on his second mission and taken prisoner by the Germans. Today, he still works as a flight instructor and lectures about his POW experience. Location : at the Museum Contact : Mark Foynes Admission is $5 per person and free for Wright Museum members. R.S.V.P.s are strongly encouraged to ensure sufficient seating for all lecture attendees. Call 603/569-1212 603/569-1212 to reserve your seat today.
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