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Tanglewood and Yo-Yo-Ma


August 2011

Monday 1 August 2011

Tanglewood and Yo-Yo-Ma

Mon 1 Aug. 698 Beech Street, Manchester, 03104. Adam Solender, Executive Director, 603-627-7679. Jewish Federation of New Hampshire - [email][events]

Join North of Boston Jewish Singles 40+ for a wonderful day trip to see Boston Symphony Orchestra with guest cellist Yo-Yo-Ma. $85.00 includes continental breakfast, bus transportation and your reserved seat for the concert. Bus fills up quickly; for reservation call K and L Tours at 617.267.1905 617.267.1905 as soon as possible. The bus leaves in the morning for the afternoon concert. Questions contact NOBJS representative Susan at 603.548.4470 603.548.4470 .
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