2007 Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe MaApril 2008Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma 2009

And Along Come Tourists

And Along Come Tourists Sun 4/06 Waltham NCJF


April 2008

Sunday 6 April 2008

And Along Come Tourists

Sun 6 Apr, 7 pm. Brandeis University, Lown 2, MS053, Waltham, 02454. Sharon P. Rivo, Executive Director, 781-899-7044, rivo@brandeis.edu. National Center for Jewish Film - [events]

SUN | APRIL 6 | 7:00 PM Am Ende kommen Touristen Germany | 2007 | 85 min | German with English subtitles Director/Writer: Robert Thalheim New England Premiere Special Guest: Director Robert Thalheim Introduced by: Sabine von Mering, Professor of German, Brandeis University Auschwitz wasn't what Sven had in mind when he signed up for civil service abroad. Eventually though he discovers both Auschwitz and Oswiecim, the place of horror and the Polish town, the memorial to inhumanity and the tourist industry around it. Amid conflicting emotions grows his love for a local Polish girl and compassion for a former Polish inmate who never left the camp. In this critically-lauded feature film, Thalheim, himself an alumnus of the Auschwitz Youth Center, asks the dar
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