
The Shabbat Chapel Minyan

Temple Emanuel

Massachusetts East: Boston - United States


Ongoing Saturdays to 9/17/05 past

The Shabbat Chapel Minyan



The Shabbat Chapel Minyan

Ongoing Saturdays, 9:30 am. 385 Ward St., Newton, 02459. Barbara Ross, Executive Director, (617) 244-8859. Temple Emanuel - [email][events]

The Shabbat Chapel Minyan, now in its 15th year, is a traditional Shabbat morning service led by congregants. We meet in the Gann Chapel at 9:30 a.m. on the first and third Shabbat of each month. The chapel offers a warm and intimate setting, and the service is led by TE members who are regulars at the minyan. If you would like more information, contact one of the Minyan coordinators. The coordinators for 5766 are: Ralph Isberg (617) 636-3993, Sidney Kaddish, (617) 969-7548, Sheila Kempler (617) 965-3062, Hyman Kempler (617) 965-3062, and Butch Pemstein (617) 969-6574
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