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JAFCO Ladies Tea Party

JAFCO Ladies Tea Party Mon 5/03 Philadelphia Jewish Feder


May 2010

Monday 3 May 2010

JAFCO Ladies Tea Party

Mon 3 May, 9:30 am-12 pm. 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, 19103. Andrea Adler Hershman, 215-832-0500, ahershman@philafederation.org. Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia - [events]

JAFCO Ladies Tea Party for the special lady in your life Enjoy a lovely morning of "Chai tea with the ladies". Bring the special woman in your life (mother, daughter, best friend) to learn about child abuse within the Jewish community. There will be a brief JAFCO presentation followed by Tea Time. $60 per person. Location: Four Season, One Logan Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Contact: Rana Bell, 610-397-8688, rana
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