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A Jewish Take on Peace


June 2010

Wednesday 16 June 2010

A Jewish Take on Peace

Wed 16 Jun. 5601 S. Braeswood, Houston, 77096. 713-729-3200, joy@jcchouston.org. Jewish Community Center of Houston - [events]

The notion of political peace was defined in modern society by Immanuel Kant in his classic treatise Perpetual Peace. In it Kant is very critical of the Jewish tradition and its vengeful God. Was Kant's reading of Jewish thought justified? Does the Jewish Tradition have a special contribution to make to the world in its efforts to establish a political condition of “perpetual peace?" In addition to his public lectures, Dr. Isaacs will be offering a series of salon-style lectures in private homes. If you are interested in attending any of these lectures please contact Jonathan Fass at 713-729-3200 ext. 3257.
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