
Legendary Jewish Singles Ski Trip to Telluride Colorado

Steppin' Out Adventures

Delaware: Wilmington - United States

Adventure - Travel

Sun 20 Feb to Sun 27 Feb 2011


February 2011

Sunday 20 February 2011

Legendary Jewish Singles Ski Trip to Telluride Colorado

Sun 20 Feb to Sun 27 Feb. Telluride. Robin Richman, 866-299-5674, robin@steppinoutadventures.com. Steppin' Out Adventures - [events]

Mention Jewish Network and save $25. Get ready to mingle on the slopes. An amazing way to meet fun spirited people like yourselves. Two incredible trips to ski some fresh powder out West. It is already snowing out there. The first trip is Feb. 20-27 (shorter options available) to Telluride, Colorado. Telluride is a laid back, mining town where the town's care-free attitude is contagious. One of the most scenic mountains in Colorado. While it might be laid back, our accommodations are four star, the only ski-in ski out hotel in the whole resort, with all the bells and whistles, including the largest spa and indoor climbing wall in Colorado.
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