

March 2011

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Book Cluster Discussion of "The Room" by Emma Donoghue

Wed 2 Mar, 6:30-8:30 pm. 4950 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, 92123. (858) 571-3444, fedujf@ujfsd.org. Jewish Federation of San Diego County - [events]

WhereBankers Hill Bar & Restaurant Place - 2202 4th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101-2112 (619) 231-0222 (map) DescriptionAmazon. Review Amazon Best of the Month, September 2010 In many ways, Jack is a typical 5-year-old. He likes to read books, watch TV, and play games with his Ma. But Jack is different in a big way--he has lived his entire life in a single room, sharing the tiny space with only his mother and an unnerving nighttime visitor known as Old Nick. For Jack, Room is the only world he knows, but for Ma, it is a prison in which she has tried to craft a normal life for her son. When their insular world suddenly expands beyond the confines of their four walls, the consequences are piercing and extraordinary. Despite its profoundly disturbing premise, Em
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