Dancing Through the Decades Thu 11/30 Gainesville GDA


November 2017

Thursday 30 November 2017

Dancing Through the Decades

Thu 30 Nov, 6:30-10 pm. Senior Recreation Center, 5701 NW 34 Street, Gainesville, 32605. Gainesville Dance Association - [facebook][events]

Dust off your dancing shoes and dress from your favorite decade. We will dance the night away to benefit the UF Health PALS Thrive Program.

The PALS Thrive program is a suicide, violence prevention and anti-bullying program that was created in 2000 by two courageous local students in response to the Columbine shooting. Their idea of No One Sits Alone has grown into what we now call PALS Thrive; a program supported by graduate students in psychology and counseling, supervised by licensed professionals. They provide free mental health services, leadership and prevention programs in local schools.
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