

April 2007

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night

Tue 24 Apr. 96 Second Street, Newport, 02903. 401-861-4445, info@film-festival.org. Rhode Island International Film Festival - [events]

ROGER Williams University, ONE OLD FERRY ROAD, Bristol (401) 253-1040 7:00 pm "Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night" (27 mins.) Directed by Sonali Gulati, USA/INDIA Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night is a documentary on outsourcing of American jobs to India. ? Told from the perspective of an Indian living in the U.S., the film journeys into India's call centers, where telemarketers acquire American names and accents to service the telephone-support industry of the U.S. The film incorporates animation, live action, and archival footage to explore the complexities of globalization, capitalism, and identity.
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