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Rabbi's on Friday


August 2007

Friday 3 August 2007

Rabbi's on Friday

Fri 3 Aug, 6:15 pm. Rabbi house, 1218 Merry Oaks, College Station, Austin, 78705. Ashley, 512-476-0125, hazelchica86@sbcglobal.net. Texas Hillel (University of Texas at Austin) - [events]

We'll be having dinner at Rabbi's on Friday,. Rabbi's homecooked meals are Amazing, and you don't want to miss it. Please hurry to RSVP though because space is limited---Rabbi can only fit so many of us at his table. RECAP: WHO: You. WHAT: Free Shabbat dinner at Rabbi's WHERE:(Let Ashley know if you need directions). Potential NEW Things TO Hillel: Ashley wants to know your opinion on 2 things: 1)Shabbat dinners EVERY week with the Rabbi 2)Monthly or Bimonthly Saturday morning services Please send Ashley your opinions and ideas, but these are ideas that we would like to start soon. Email: hazelchica86 or Ashpud2u.
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