Ongoing Other. DAILY Minyan: 7:30 AM, 5:45 PM; Sundays & Civil Holidays 9:00 AM, 5:45 PM. Shabbat Services: Fridays, 5:45 PM and 8:30 PM; Saturdays, 9:30 AM. Traditional Minyan: Saturdays, 9:30 AM, Kogod Chapel. Havurah Service: 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturday of the month, 9:45 AM, Library. Ruach Minyan, 1st & 3rd Fridays each month, 6:15 PM. Singles Services, November 4 and December 2, 8PM, Library. Shabbat Mincha: 5:45 PM in April. YOUTH Shabbat Morning Services: weekly cookie minyan, 11:00 AM, Lay Led. Contact for information about additional youth services. 2850 Quebec Street, NW, Washington, 20008. Shira Reeves, 202-362-4433 x112. Adas Israel Congregation - [email][events]