
Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver, Denver

2000 E. Asbury Ave., Sturm Hall 157, Denver, 80208. David Shneer, 303-871-3020, dshneer@du.edu - [website][events]

Founded in 1975, the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver offers an exceptional educational opportunity for the campus and community. A distinguished faculty of active scholars, writers and researchers provides an interdisciplinary program dedicated to cultivating an appreciation of Jewish culture through an examination of history, scripture, literature, language, politics and art. Each year, the Center hosts conferences and lecture series featuring internationally recognized scholars, as well as smaller adult learning programs that are all made available to the Denver Jewish community. As constituent parts of the Center, the Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society/Beck Archives, the Holocaust Awareness Institute, and the Interfaith/Inte
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