
Tri-State Genealogical Society, Newell

Washington St, Newell, 26050. Cathy Burcham, 304-387-2467 - [website][email][events]

TRI-STATE Genealogical & Historical Society Fourth Annual Genealogy FAIR Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lions Club Building, Washington Street, in Newell, WV. FREE registration begins at 9 a.m. (Free coffee and donuts) Speakers Craig Brown-Columbiana Co. Ohio Recorder Mr. Armstrong, Director WV Div. of Culture & History Elissa Powell, CG from PA Native Americans- Almeada Sloan-Standing Deer-Cherokee Carl Wilson-Standing Bear-Shawnee A light lunch may be purchased between 12:30 and 1:30 Genealogy groups and individuals wishing to rent a table should call well in advance of that date to reserve a spot. The cost for table rental is $10.00. Vendor setups will begin at 8:30 a.m. To make reservations, phone our library at (304)387-2467 or a co
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