
Roadance Film Festival, Park City

Park City. dino@d3an.com - [website][events]

FILMS MUST BE RATED G - FOR ALL Audiences. fees: $25.00 - trt 1:00 $50.00 - trt 1:00 - 5:00 $100 - trt 5:00 this is the last and only truly independent film festival in park city, ut. ROADance is run by one person not for profit but to give exposure to film makers that missed deadlines, could not afford the hefty fees or just want to say their films played in park city during the other "big", "Important", festivals that run in january. ROADance is run completely out of the back of a 16' cube truck using an HD digital projector and a digital playback device onto a rear projection screen. the truck travels the streets of park city during the other festivals visiting the many distant theatre locations throughout the park city area. it is a very unique way
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